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Ramiz Raja once again scolds the Indian Cricket Board

Ramiz Raja once again scolds the Indian Cricket Board

India is responsible for the bad state of Pakistan cricket. The Indian Cricket Board works with the mentality of the BJP. Recently, former chairman of Pakistan Cricket Board Ramiz Raza criticized India by making such comments. ICC did not stop criticizing. Ramiz Raja also commented that ICC is always looking at India for profit.


In a recent event, Ramiz Raja said, “Cricket should be kept free of politics. But unfortunately what is happening in the Indian board is the mentality of the BJP. They always want to show influence. Be it the Pakistan Junior League or the women’s league, the competitions I announced had only one objective, So that I can earn from my own country’s competition. If this would have benefited the country’s cricket. Financially the board would have been stronger. We need to be in a better position financially so that we don’t have to look at the ICC. The board should look into that.”


The ICC looked to India to secure Ramiz Raja’s claim and this undermined Pakistan’s independence. Ramiz Raja said, “India is the biggest market in cricket. ICC is always looking at India for profit. It often makes cricket controversial, and Pakistan’s independence is destroyed. If India’s mentality is that Pakistan should be isolated, then we have to do this.” Kool will also go, and Kool will also go. The issue should be addressed now or Pakistan cricket may suffer.”


Expressing anger at India, Ramiz Raja wants Australia, England to side with him. Ramiz Raja wants them not to give in under the pressure of India. He said, “I made my position clear when I was the board president. I have worked for the development of cricket in the country. If ACC doesn’t allow us to play any competition and one day India says they won’t play in Pakistan, then we have to answer. We cannot be spineless. We also have to make an impact in cricket. We also have to say, no matter how much the Asia Cup is taken away, there are alternatives. The board should work with that goal in mind. It benefits Pakistan. “


Ramiz Raja also said, “Recently I had a talk with Babar Azam. I told him there, lose if you see India. Then you can be in a strong position during the time of understanding with them.” It should be noted that apart from Ramiz Raja, the current chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board is Najam Shetty. The former head of the board has commented on India before. Even after losing office, his anger towards India did not go away. However, there was no response from the Indian Cricket Board to Ramiz’s words.

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